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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What to do when you see disctressed marine life!

If you see a marine mammal in distress please call 1-888-404-FWCC. This is the number for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Office and can dispatch a team that may include our organization to help the distressed animal.

To report wildlife (birds, manatees, dolphins, whales, sea turtles, or other wildlife) covered in oil please call 1-866-557-1401

For more information on the current oil spill situation, please read the current Florida Deepwater Horizon Response Report and Situation Reportor or call the Florida Oil Spill Information Line at 1-888-337-3569.

We also ask please that you do NOT push marine mammals back to sea!

With Manatees the laws are clear. You can only tough them in Crystal River Florida and there you should only touch them if they come to you. You CAN NOT touch them when they are sleeping and you are NOT allowed to chase them. Patience and the manatee will come to you!

See this Video for an example of what NOT to do!

Scuba Lessons Inc. Comprehensive Dive Site Map for our Florida Dive Club Members!

Yes, it is true! Scuba Lessons Inc. has been hard at work developing a comprehensive dive site map that encompasses Florida, Georgia and the Bahama's. This is a collaborative effort on the part of our team of instructors and some of our club members.

The new dive site map can be viewed in Google Maps or in Google Earth. You can see and interactively navigate the site map here:
This dive map includes depths, GPS coordinates, marine life, hazards, parking or directional information, basic overviews and in some cases in depth historical data.

You can contribute at any time by emailing your site information to: